TRANSUNITISM - "It is an affirmation to love, respect and help others in our community whenever we can - and to be alert to each others needs and problems, so that no-one ever feels like they are on their own. This is Transunitist theory at its core: compassion, respect and solidarity above all else."

THE ASEXUAL MANIFESTO - "Radical asexual politics harnesses the negativity associated with asexuality, the so-called "absence" or "lack" of sexuality, to clean the slate of sexual normativity and rewrite society as a place of liberation, including but not limited to sexual liberation."

ASEXUAL HISTORY NOTES - "A community vote on AVEN results in the creation of the widely-accepted ace pride flag .From top to bottom: Black - asexuality, Grey - the grey space between sexual and asexual, White - sexuality, Purple - community."

WHAT IS CAPITALISM? - "To understand capitalism, one first has to strip away the appearances presented by its ideology. Capital annexes living labor in order to accumulate more capital. The ultimate purpose of work is not to perform services for consumers, or sustain life in society, but to make more and more money for the investor, irrespective of the human and environmental costs."

JUSTICE IN JUNE - "This resource was compiled by Autumn Gupta with Bryanna Wallace’s oversight for the purpose of providing a starting place for individuals trying to become better allies." (2020)